GOVSI podkast

Dr. Erjavec: Izzivi so, a v Sloveniji doživljamo renesanso podeželja

Urad vlade za komuniciranje Season 1 Episode 4
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00:00 | 42:36

Ob bližajoči se 20. obletnici vstopa Slovenije v EU smo v novi epizodi podkasta gostili agrarnega ekonomista dr. Emila Erjavca. Med pogajanji za vstop v EU je bil član ožje pogajalske skupine za področje kmetijstva in ribištva, »strokovni motor« pogajanj za kmetijstvo. Je zelo priljubljen profesor na Biotehniški fakulteti in predvsem velik poznavalec kmetijske politike.

Voditeljica tokratne epizode direktorica Urada vlade za komuniciranje (Ukom) Petra Bezjak Cirman je v pogovoru z njim obudila spomin na pogajanja, spregovorila pa sta tudi o trenutnem stanju slovenskega kmetijstva. Dr. Erjavec je kritičen do nevzajemnega delovanja naših agroživilskih verig in meni, da je vladni ukrep spremljanja cen po celotni verigi pravi, a 30 let prepozno sprejet. Opozori na mlade, ki vse bolj iščejo alternativni način življenja na podeželju – pojav, ki ga imenuje 'renesansa podeželja', a ob tem ga skrbi razkol z mladimi kmetovalci. Povezovanje med njimi je nujno, je prepričan dr. Erjavec.

 Vabljeni tudi k ogledu videopodkasta.

Dr Erjavec: Challenges exist, but in Slovenia, we are experiencing a rural renaissance

As the 20th anniversary of Slovenia's accession to the EU approaches, in a new episode of the podcast, we hosted agricultural economist Dr Emil Erjavec. During the negotiations for EU accession, he was a member of the core negotiating team for agriculture and fisheries, the "expert engine" of the negotiations for agriculture. He is a highly popular professor at the Biotechnical Faculty and above all, a great expert in agricultural policy.

The host of this episode, Petra Bezjak Cirman, director of Government Communication Office (Ukom), in conversation with him, recalled the negotiations and also discussed the current state of Slovenian agriculture. Dr Erjavec is critical of the lack of mutual cooperation in our agri-food chains and believes that the government's measure of monitoring prices throughout the chain is right but 30 years too late in adoption. He highlights the trend of young people increasingly seeking alternative ways of life in rural areas — a phenomenon he calls the 'renaissance of the countryside.' However, he is concerned about the gap with young farmers. Dr Erjavec is convinced that cooperation between them is essential.

You are also invited to watch the video podcast.