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Nina Gregori: Upam, da bo EU vedno ostajala varno zatočišče

Urad vlade za komuniciranje Season 1 Episode 5
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00:00 | 46:29

Tema nove oddaje podkasta so migracije. Gostja Zorana Potiča je izvršna direktorica Evropske agencije za azil Nina Gregori, ki se s tem področjem ukvarja že vso svojo kariero.

Nina Gregori je bila pred kratkim že drugič imenovana na mesto izvršne direktorice Evropske agencije za azil (angleško European Union Agency for Asylum - EUAA). Pred odhodom v Bruselj je bila dolga leta direktorica direktorata na ministrstvu za notranje zadeve, ki je zadolžen za državljanstva, urejanje statusov prebivalstva in migracije. Je odlična poznavalka tega področja, zato je  enourni pogovor z voditeljem Zoranom Potičem kar prekratek, da bi lahko načela številne aktualne vidike te problematike.

Pogovarjala sta se predvsem o pravkar sprejetem paktu o migracijah in azilu in posledicah, ki jih bo imel za upravljanje migracij v EU in delovanje EUAA, dotaknila pa sta se tudi vzrok za migracije in možnega razvoja tega področja v prihodnosti.

Vabljeni k poslušanju in tudi ogledu.

Nina Gregori: I hope that the EU will always remain a safe haven

The topic of the new podcast show is migration. Zorana Potič's guest is the executive director of the European Asylum Agency, Nina Gregori, who has been working in this field for her entire career.

Nina Gregori was recently appointed for the second time as Executive Director of the European Union Asylum Agency (EUAA). Before going to Brussels, she was for many years the director of the directorate at the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which is in charge of citizenships, regulation of population statuses and migration. She is an excellent expert in this field, which is why the one-hour conversation with host Zoran Potič is too short to cover many current aspects of this issue.

They focused on recently adopted pact on migration and asylum and the consequences it will have for the management of migration in the EU and the operation of the EUAA, and they also touched on the cause of migration and the possible development of this area in the future.

You are invited to watch and listen.