GOVSI podkast

GOVSI Podkast: »Demokracija je napadena«

September 13, 2024 Urad vlade za komuniciranje Season 1 Episode 11

V novi epizodi se je voditelj Zoran Potič pogovarjal z uglednim ameriškim profesorjem na področju komuniciranja in javne diplomacije Nicholasom J. Cullom. Govorila sta o zgodovini dezinformacij, značilnosti dezinformacij dandanes ter izzivih, ki jih za demokracijo prinašajo sodobne tehnologije in vse večje količine (dez)informacij.

»Sovražnik pravzaprav ni več ideologija, temveč resnica sama. Demokracija je napadena, zato moramo zgraditi informirano družbo, ki se bo zavedala nevarnosti dezinformacij in umetne inteligence,« je med drugim povedal gost, ki je eden vodilnih učenjakov na področju mednarodnih odnosov in tako imenovane mehke moči.

Nicholas J. Cull je zgodovinar, katerega raziskave se osredotočajo na vpliv javne diplomacije ter na to, kako države uporabljajo kulturo in medijske strategije, da oblikujejo svojo globalno podobo. Je avtor številnih vplivnih knjig, med drugim Javna diplomacija: Nauki iz preteklosti (angleško: Public Diplomacy: Lessons from the Past) ter Javna diplomacija: Temelji za globalno udejstvovanje v digitalni dobi (angleško: Foundations for Global Engagement in the Digital Age). Je ustanovni direktor programa javne diplomacije na Univerzi Južne Kalifornije, kjer poučuje še danes.

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GOVSI Podcast: »Democracy is under attack«

In the latest episode, Zoran Potič hosted distinguished American professor in the field of communication and public diplomacy, Nicholas J. Cull. They discussed the history of disinformation, the characteristics of disinformation today, and the challenges modern technologies and the increasing amounts of (dis)information pose to democracy. 

»The enemy is no longer really an ideology, but the truth itself. Democracy is under attack, so we must build an informed society that is aware of the dangers of disinformation and artificial intelligence,« said the guest, who is one of the leading scholars in the field of international relations and so-called soft power.

Nicholas J. Cull is a historian whose research focuses on the impact of public diplomacy and how countries use culture and media strategies to shape their global image. He is the author of several influential books, including Public Diplomacy: Lessons from the Past and Public Diplomacy: Foundations for Global Engagement in the Digital Age. He is the founding director of the public diplomacy program at the University of Southern California, where he still teaches today.

You are invited to watch and listen.